Review Questions:

29. For what purpose did Peter and John go to Samaria after Philip had preached the gospel there (Acts 8)?

30. What did Simon the magician offer Peter and John in Samaria (Acts 8)?

31. From which Ethiopia did the eunuch come, as mentioned in Acts 8?

32. Who was the man responsible for sharing the gospel with the Ethiopian eunuch?

33. What was the Ethiopian eunuch doing when the evangelist was sent to him?

34. What did the evangelist do when he realized that the Ethiopian eunuch had expressed saving faith (Acts 8)?

35. How does the author resolve the apparent contradiction between the account in Acts 9, where it says that those who were with Saul heard a voice, and Acts 22, where it says that they did not hear a voice?

36. According to the text, why did Paul exclaim, “Who are you Lord? (Acts 9)”

37. Does the author believes that Saul's temporary blindness was a natural result of the bright light he saw when Christ appeared to him?

38. After his conversion, what did Paul immediately begin to do in the synagogues?

39. What was the religious life of Cornelius like before he saw the vision?

40. What was God's purpose in showing Peter the sheet with all types of animals for him to eat (Acts 10)?

41. What supernatural event occurred with Cornelius and his household to show that they also had received the Holy Spirit (Acts 10)?

42. What church leader did Herod put to death by the sword (Acts 12)?

43. How did Peter escape from prison (Acts 12)?

44. When Rhoda told the people who were praying for Peter at the house of Mary that he was standing at the door, how did they react?

45. In what city was the gospel first preached to the Gentiles?

46. What was the reaction among the inhabitants of Lystra to the healing of the lame man (Acts 14)?

47. What problem led to the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15)?

48. According to the author, who participated in the decision process at the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)?

49. What was the decision of the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)?

50. Does the author believe that abstaining from things strangled and blood are moral principles binding on the Church in all ages?

Last modified: Wednesday, 28 August 2013, 9:00 PM