Lesson 2: The Structure and Content of Acts
Section 3: Modern Application
III. Modern Application
A. Literary Character
1. Selective
2. Episodic
3. Implicit
B. Discontinuities
1. Different Time
2. Different Circumstances
C. Continuities
1. Same God
2. Same Goal
3. Same Gospel
1. What are the three aspects of the literary character of Acts described by the author?
2. In what ways was Luke “selective” in his writing of Acts?
3. What does Dr. Bayer mean when he says that Luke's writing in Acts is "episodic"?
4. What does Dr. Bayer mean when he says that, in the Book of Acts, Luke teaches in an “implicit” way?
5. What is the difference between "argumentative" discourse and "narrative" discourse, as Dr. Bayer explains?
6. What are the possible signs that would enable us to infer that an example of something narrated in Acts should be followed as a good example?
7. Summarize Dr. Bayer's teaching regarding the office of apostle, and whether it still continues today.
8. Summarize Dr. Bayer's teaching regarding the meaning of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, and whether it is a guideline for what we should experience today.
9. Summarize Dr. Bayer's view concerning whether we should still today follow the pattern in Acts of meeting in homes.
10. What argument does Dr. Bayer give to show that the fact that they shared properties and resources in the early Church (Acts 2:44-45) is not necessarily normative for us today?
1. Give an example of something that God clearly approves of or something God clearly disapproves in the narratives of the Book of Acts. What can we learn from this example?
2. Give an example of an inappropriate application that you may have been making previously from your reading of Acts, because you were not taking into account the special time and circumstances of the original context. What have you learned in this lesson to help you avoid mistaken applications?
3. What mistakes do you see in the church context in which you live regarding improper application of the narratives of the Book of Acts? How could you help avoid these errors?
4. In what ways can you participate in the spread of the gospel and the expansion of the Church, even across cultural boundaries?
5. What is the most significant insight you have learned from this study?
Lesson 2: The Structure and Content of Acts
Section 3: Modern Application
III. Modern Application
A. Literary Character
1. Selective
2. Episodic
3. Implicit
B. Discontinuities
1. Different Time
2. Different Circumstances
C. Continuities
1. Same God
2. Same Goal
3. Same Gospel
1. What are the three aspects of the literary character of Acts described by the author?
2. In what ways was Luke “selective” in his writing of Acts?
3. What does Dr. Bayer mean when he says that Luke's writing in Acts is "episodic"?
4. What does Dr. Bayer mean when he says that, in the Book of Acts, Luke teaches in an “implicit” way?
5. What is the difference between "argumentative" discourse and "narrative" discourse, as Dr. Bayer explains?
6. What are the possible signs that would enable us to infer that an example of something narrated in Acts should be followed as a good example?
7. Summarize Dr. Bayer's teaching regarding the office of apostle, and whether it still continues today.
8. Summarize Dr. Bayer's teaching regarding the meaning of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, and whether it is a guideline for what we should experience today.
9. Summarize Dr. Bayer's view concerning whether we should still today follow the pattern in Acts of meeting in homes.
10. What argument does Dr. Bayer give to show that the fact that they shared properties and resources in the early Church (Acts 2:44-45) is not necessarily normative for us today?
1. Give an example of something that God clearly approves of or something God clearly disapproves in the narratives of the Book of Acts. What can we learn from this example?
2. Give an example of an inappropriate application that you may have been making previously from your reading of Acts, because you were not taking into account the special time and circumstances of the original context. What have you learned in this lesson to help you avoid mistaken applications?
3. What mistakes do you see in the church context in which you live regarding improper application of the narratives of the Book of Acts? How could you help avoid these errors?
4. In what ways can you participate in the spread of the gospel and the expansion of the Church, even across cultural boundaries?
5. What is the most significant insight you have learned from this study?
Last modified: Friday, 2 August 2019, 7:56 PM