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Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
AntitypeTheological name given to something in Scripture that fulfills a previous representation | |
ApocalypticName given to first century Jewish sects that expected an abrupt divine intervention to establish the age to come | |
D |
DiachronicThrough time | |
Dialectic Name of the philosophical concept that proposes that every aspect of reality is caught up in a rational historical process | |
E |
EschatologyTerm used in theology for the study of the last things | |
F |
FoundationsName given to covenant made with Adam | |
FulfillmentName given to New Covenant | |
G |
Gabler Last name of theologian who gave an address at the University of Altdorf (Germany) in 1787, considered to be the beginning of the modern study of Biblical Theology | |
H |
Hegel Name of modern philosopher that proposed that every aspect of reality is caught up in a rational historical process | |
HeilsgeschichteAccording to G. Ernest Wright, this term refers to the pious history-telling found in the Scriptures, as opposed to the actual history of real events. | |