Lesson 10: The Existential Perspective: Choosing Good
Section 2: Assessing Knowledge


II. Assessing Knowledge

A. Reason

B. Conscience

C. Emotions


1. What are the three faculties which we use to assess knowledge?

2. What is the proper role of reason in assessing knowledge, according to the lesson?

3. Make sure you know Dr. Frame's definition of "reason."

4. Explain the example of how reason helps us draw logical conclusions for making ethical decisions.

5. How does Dr. Frame define the "conscience"?

6. Make sure you are familiar with the contents of 2 Corinthians 1:12.

7. Is the conscience always completely accurate?

8. How does the lesson define our "emotions"?

9. Explain the teaching of the lesson regarding the role of emotions in helping us make ethical decisions.

10. Explain the illustration of the man crossing the street and hearing a loud car horn.


1. What is your attitude toward the use of reason in making ethical decisions? Has the lesson changed your thinking about this? Do you think that you need to give it a more prominent role? Do you think you need to balance it more with the use of other faculties?

2. Has the lesson changed your view of the conscience? Do you tend to trust it blindly? Has it ever misled you? Give an example.

3. Has the lesson changed your view of the proper role of emotions in making decisions? In what way?

4. Give examples of how you have used reason, your conscience, and your emotions in making ethical decisions. Do you need to sharpen the focus on how you use these faculties? How do you plan to do that?

Last modified: Tuesday, 2 April 2013, 1:21 AM