Lesson 5: The Situational Perspective: Revelation and Situation
Section 4: Application of Revelation


IV. Application of Revelation

A. Facts

B. Goals

C. Means



1. Explain the difference in the dietary laws in each biblical period: the time of the exodus, in the Promised Land, and in the New Testament Church.

2. What facts were similar throughout these three periods, according to the lesson?

3. Explain the differences in the goals for the dietary norms in each of the three periods.

4. What goals were similar throughout these periods?

5. Explain the differences in the means used to obtain the goals during each of the three periods.

6. What means were similar throughout the three periods?

7. What is Dr. Frame's general recommendation for modern application of biblical ethical norms? Do the norms themselves change, or just the application? Should we always imitate the pattern of the New Testament Church?
1. Think of another example of ethical teachings of the Bible besides dietary laws, and try to discern how the application may have changed in different periods of time. Consider the facts, the goals, and the means. Mention the similarities and the differences in these areas during the different periods.

2. In the past, do you think you have taken into account how the facts, goals, and means might change during different periods of time as you apply Scripture and make ethical judgments? Did this lesson change the way you will make ethical judgments in the future? How?

3. In this lesson as a whole, what has been the most significant insight you have gained? How will this affect the way you make ethical decisions?
Last modified: Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 11:14 PM