Lesson 3: Major Themes of Acts
Section 1: The Holy Spirit



I. The Holy Spirit

A. Before Pentecost

  1. Timing

  2. Purpose

B. Day of Pentecost

  1. Significance

  2. Tongues

  3. Results

C. After Pentecost

  1. Samaria

  2. Caesarea

  3. Ephesus


1. What exactly were the Jews expecting, at the time before the events of Pentecost in Acts 1-2, regarding the work of the Messiah?
2. How did Jesus correct the error of His disciples with regard to the timing of the restoration of the kingdom?
3. According to Dr. Bayer, with what kind of power was the Spirit associated in the Old Testament?
4. Summarize the significance of the celebration of the Jewish Pentecost.
5. How does Dr. Bayer understand the gift of tongues experienced on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2?
6. How does Dr. Bayer view the manifestations of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 in regards to the normal experience of all Christians in our day?
7. Dr. Bayer argues that the experiences of the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 were meant to __________ the final stage of the kingdom of God.
8. How was Peter viewed in regards to his education and speaking ability?
9. Explain Dr. Bayer's interpretation of the dramatic manifestations of the Holy Spirit in Acts 8, 10, and 19. What was the significance of these events? Do they set a pattern for all believers today? Why or why not?


1. How does Jesus' teaching about the restoration of the kingdom affect you personally? (How does it encourage you? How does it affect your priorities? What does it mean for evangelism? In what ways do you experience the effects of the kingdom in your life?)

2. In what ways have you experienced the empowerment of the Holy Spirit? What were the results? Would you like to experience more of His power? What can you do to experience it?

3. What is your opinion? What is the gift of tongues? Why did God give this gift? Has anyone ever tried to pressure you to speak in tongues? How should you respond to such pressure?

4. What is your opinion? Did the experiences of Acts 2, 8, 10, and 19 set a pattern for all believers today? Defend your view.

5. What should we expect as the normal experience for all believers with regard to the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives?
Last modified: Friday, 2 August 2019, 7:57 PM