Lesson 5: The Gospel of John
Section 1: Background



I. Background

A. Author

  1. Traditional View

  2. Personal History

B. Occasion

  1. Location

  2. Audience

  3. Date

  4. Purpose


1. What other New Testament books did the author of the Gospel of John write?

2. Explain the general position throughout history regarding the authorship of the fourth gospel.

3. What is the external evidence that John is the author of the fourth gospel? Give the information about the earliest manuscripts of the fourth gospel that include John as the author.

4. What is the internal evidence that John is the author of the fourth gospel? Explain the teaching of the lesson about vocabulary and themes, as well as the evidence that the author was an eye witness of the life of Christ.

5. Write the quote and the name of the author who was quoted by Eusebius, in Ecclesiastical History (AD 325) regarding the author of the fourth gospel.

6. Give key information about the family of John, the author of the fourth gospel.

7. Give key information about the life of John, the author of the fourth gospel.

8. Where was John when he wrote his gospel?

9. Describe the audience to whom John was especially addressing his gospel.

10. Give the probable date for the composition of the gospel of John, and give the key arguments for these dates.

11. Give the information regarding the oldest manuscript that contains a part of the Gospel of John, including both names and the date.

12. What was the purpose of the gospel of John?

13. Write down the quote that scholars have said about the contents of the Gospel of John.


1. What are the practical consequences of knowing the background information about the Gospel of John? How does it affect the way you read the gospel?

2. Knowing what you have learned about the four gospels, which would you recommend first to a non-Christian? Which would you recommend first to a new Christian for growth in his faith? Explain why.
Last modified: Saturday, 8 December 2012, 1:58 AM