A Brief Bible History, James Oscar Boyd and John Gresham Machen

Section 1, The Development of the Church in Old Testament Times, by James Oscar Boyd

Chapters 8-15

Pages 28-52


Chapter 8

1. What king brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and established the city as the capital of the monarchy?

2. Under what king did Israel especially develop commerce, art, and literature, while falling into idolatry?

3. What kind of literature developed especially in the time of David and Solomon?

Chapter 9

1.   What caused the division of the twelve tribes after Solomon's death?

2. Who became the leader of the northern tribes?

3. According to Boyd, what made Elijah and Elisha so special?

4. Which prophet is known for his parable of the patient husband and the unfaithful wife as an illustration of God's love for Israel?

Chapter 10

1. What country did God use to punish the northern tribes of Israel for their faithlessness?

2. How was the identity of the northern tribes eventually destroyed?

Chapter 11

1. Which king of the southern tribes of Judah is known for purging God's people of idolatry and reforming the nation after the fall of the northern kingdom?

2. What enemy country destroyed Jerusalem and took the people of Judah into exile?

Chapter 12

1. Which prophet gave the Jews hope while in exile by speaking of the dry bones that came back to life?

2. Who was the Persian king who conquered the Babylonians and permitted the Jews to begin returning to Jerusalem?

Chapter 13

1. Who is known for returning from captivity with 1,500 men and bringing spiritual reform to the Jews in Jerusalem?

2. Who is known for getting permission to return from exile to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem?

Chapter 14

1. Describe Boyd's view of individual inward religion and national outward religion in Israel.

2. Describe Boyd's view of the difference in what the prophet and the priest stood for, regarding religion.

Chapter 15

1. What does Boyd mean when he says that the institutions of Old Testament Israel are "typical"?

2. What three offices of the Old Testament pointed to the offices that Jesus Himself would fulfill?


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