A Brief Bible History, James Oscar Boyd and John Gresham Machen

Section 1, "The Development of the Church in Old Testament Times," James Oscar Boyd

Chapters 1-7

Pages 7-27


Chapter 1

1. The title of the first section of Boyd's book is "The Development of the ______ in Old Testament Times."

2. Why does Boyd refer to Palestine as “The Bridge to the World?”

3. How does God promise to deliver man from the effects of the Fall, even to Adam and Eve at the gates of the Garden of Eden?

4. Make a list of the key ancestors of Abraham that are mentioned in the book.

Chapter 2

1. Did Abraham ever settle permanently in the Promised Land?

2.  Were all of Abraham's family also chosen to be blessed through him?

3. The author says that much of Genesis is taken up with the explanation of how Isaac and Jacob were kept from doing what?

Chapter 3

1. What purposes did God have in letting His people live so many years in Egypt?

2. How many years were the twelve tribes in Egypt?

Chapter 4

1. Where did Moses receive the call to deliver God's people from Egypt?

2. After the exodus from Egypt, what instructions did God give to Moses regarding worship?

Chapter 5

1. Who led Israel into the Promised Land?

2. What was the first city that Israel conquered in Palestine?

Chapter 6

1. Describe the situation of Israel during the period of the judges.

2. What is the name of the woman who was judge over Israel?

Chapter 7

1. Who was the first prophet during Israel's monarchy?

2. Who was Israel's first king?


Last modified: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 11:20 PM