Lesson 2: Exploring Christian Theology
Section 3: Reformed Tradition
(Video Parts 7-11)


III. Reformed Tradition

A. Origins and Developments

B. Tendencies

C. Distinctives

  1. Solas of the Reformation

  2. Unity of Scripture

  3. Doctrine of God

  4. Human Culture



1. Give a brief historical sketch of the development of Reformed theology, highlighting significant historical events.

2. What is the theological tendency of the Reformed tradition?

3.  In Reformed churches, which of the three areas tends to be most neglected: orthodoxy, orthopraxis, or orthopathos?

4. Name and identify the five "Solas" of the Reformed tradition.

5. Summarize the distinctive emphasis of the Reformed tradition in the area of the doctrine of God.

6. Explain the difference between the traditional reformed view of the unity of Scripture and the traditional dispensational view.

7. Explain Dr. Pratt's view of whether the Old Testament and the New Testament are essentially different in the way they present the law, the gospel, and the way of salvation.

8. Note the geographical location where each of the following theologians focused his ministry: Luther, Zwingli, Calvin.

9. Mention the earliest theological documents of the Reformation.

10. Explain the Arminian controversy, and name the synod that dealt with it.

11. Name Richard Niebuhr’s five views of the relationship between Christ and culture, give a brief description of each, and identify which one is emphasized in the Reformed tradition.

12. What is the "cultural mandate"?


1. What are some of the strengths and dangers of Reformed theology? In what ways might your understanding of the tradition behind these lessons help you discern truth from error within them?

2. Reformed theology tends to insist that all life is religious. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Why or why not?

3. What is the most significant insight you have learned from the study of this lesson? Why?
Last modified: Friday, 31 October 2014, 4:31 PM