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SadduceesJewish religious group that did not believe in the resurrection | |
SalvationThe reception of the blessings that Christ purchased by his atoning death | |
SanctificationThe act of making people and things holy | |
Saving GraceThe application of the eternal benefits of Christ’s perfect life, death, resurrection, ascension and glorious return to those who receive him as Lord and savior | |
Septuagint Greek translation of the Old Testament | |
Session Theological term used to refer to Jesus' ministry of intercession, while seated at the right hand of God the Father | |
SheolHebrew term used in the Old Testament to refer to the place of the departed spirits, both the righteous and the wicked | |
SimplicityWhen used in theology in reference to God, it means that God's essence consists of only one substance. | |
SinLawlessness, violation of God’s law | |
SingularityWhen used in theology in reference to God, it means that He is the only true God. | |