Lesson 5: Paul and the Philippians
Section 2: Structure and Content


II. Structure and Content

A. Salutation

B. Thanksgiving

C. Prayer

D. Body

  1. Paul’s Perseverance

  2. Exhortations to Persevere

  3. Affirmation of Perseverance

E. Final Greetings


1. Summarize the overall structure and content of Philippians, highlighting the key points within each section. Write out Dr. Kidd's outline.

2. What is unique about Philippians with regard to Paul's appeal to his apostolic authority?

3. Mention the points of Paul's prayer for the Philippians.

4. Explain Paul's attitude about his own suffering.

5. What does Paul mean when he says he is expecting "deliverance"?

6. Whom does Paul expect to send to encourage the Philippians?

7. Note the contents of the following passages: Philippians 1:27-29, 3:12-14, 3:18-19, 4:4.

8. What had the Philippians sent Paul?

9. According to Dr. Kidd, what significance did the Philippians' relationship with Paul have for him at this time?

10. What is indicated by the fact that Paul sends greetings from those of the "household of Caesar"?


1. What can we learn from Paul's example of prayer for the Philippians? (1:9-11) What kinds of things do we most often include in our prayer? How can we improve our prayers?

2. How do you usually deal with suffering and anxiety? What can we learn from Paul's attitude in the midst of suffering and his teachings regarding anxiety?

3. When you see others around you that are discouraged, how do you usually respond? What can we learn from the importance of the Philippians' friendship in the life of Paul?

Last modified: Thursday, 25 July 2013, 10:06 PM