Alex R. Gordon, The Prophets of the Old Testament

NOTE: The texts for this course offer some very helpful insights in understanding Old Testament Prophecy. You will find however a few remarks that we believe fall short of being faithful to the trustworthiness of God’s Holy Word.

For example, he assumes that Jonah was written very late, in the third century. He also questions the historicity of the story. On page 350, he says, "We cannot, therefore, lay much stress on the historical value of Jonah."

Birmingham Theological Seminary and Third Millennium Ministries recognize that the Scriptures are trustworthy and accurately reveal God’s word to us today.  We trust and hope that you will read these texts with discernment.  


1. Understand the difference between the prophets of Baal, the god of Canaan, and the prophets of Jahweh, the God of Israel.

2. What was the distinguishing factor that separated the king of Israel from other kings?

3. What was the real cause of Saul’s failure and his alienation from Samuel?

4. Why was David called the “man after Jahweh’s heart?”

5. Rehoboam asked God for what, as he was to rule over Israel?

6. Know about Jezebel. What was her mission? What are some unique characteristics about her?

7. Did Elijah take great comfort in knowing that the children of Israel fully supported him and the other prophets of Jahweh?

8. Toward what two great ends did Elijah direct his energy?

9. Understand how Amos described himself. How was Jahweh calling Israel through Amos?

10. What was Amos’s hope for Israel? How did Amos think Israel would respond to his message?

11. Through Amos, did Jahweh call Israel to a more intimate relationship with Himself?

12. Understand Amos’s views on: justice, religion, sacrifice and righteousness.

13. Understand how Amos focused on the outward conduct of life, and how Hosea focused on the inner springs of character, the motives.

14. How does the book of Hosea characterize the Israelites and their knowledge of God?

15. How did the names of Hosea’s children reflect Israel’s relationship with Jahweh?

16. Hosea’s love for unfaithful Gomer was a picture of what?

17. What was the great mystery of redemption in the book of Hosea?

18. Understand Isaiah's role, not only as a prophet, but also as a statesman. What was the difference between Isaiah and other prophets like Amos and Hosea in this regard?

19. What did Jahweh’s flowing robes filling the Temple represent?

20. What was the threefold worship represented by the wings of the seraphim in Isaiah?

21. What happened to Isaiah as a result of the glowing stone touching his lips?

22. Isaiah was called the prophet of what?

23. What does Immanuel mean?

24. What did holiness primarily mean to the ancient mind?

25. Hosea was called the prophet of what?

26. Understand the Assyrian influence on Uriah the priest.

27. Along with peace, what else was brought during the reign of Hezekiah?

28. The prophetic vision of Isaiah’s spiritual kingdom was fulfilled in Jesus. This was to be a kingdom of what?

29. How did Micah hear the voice of God through his neighbors?

30. Who were the real enemies of Judah, as described in the book of Micah?

31. In the book of Micah, Samaria and Judah were known for what in Israel?

32. In the book of Zephaniah, what atrocities and profanities were introduced to Israel by Manasseh?

33. What does “The Day of the Lord” mean in the book of Zephaniah?

34. Jeremiah is called the prophet of what, according to the author?

35. What two older prophets did Jeremiah closely study?

36. The revelation of Jahweh’s Word moved Jeremiah deeply. How were these words described?

37. The prophet Nahum is best identified with what?

38. How was Nineveh as a city known by the other nations?

39. What changes did King Josiah bring to Judah?

40. How does God view zealous worshippers in the Temple and their moral conduct?

41. What does it mean that Jahweh is "jealous"?

42. Jeremiah brought what principal charges against the prophets of his day?

43. Understand the conflict between prophet and king, and how that marks the contrast between true and false patriotism in Jeremiah.

44. Jahweh was the God especially of which city?

45. The New Covenant teaches what about Jeremiah’s view of religion?

46. What was Jeremiah's view of the heart of man?

47. Where is the Law written in the New Covenant?

48. Which prophet was like the Son of Man, in that he was made perfect by his sufferings?

49. Understand the closing note of Jeremiah’s prophecy.

50. How does the author characterize Ezekiel’s prophecy?

51. Ezekiel was the prophet of what?

52. What was Ezekiel’s view on the sovereign grace of God?

53. What was the New Jerusalem of Ezekiel’s dreams?

54. Habakkuk is known as the prophet of what?

55. What did Habakkuk complain to heaven about?

56. What was the commission that Israel, as the Servant of Jahweh, was to fulfill?

57. Understand the prophet’s view of Jahweh and the role Israel was to play in Jahweh's plans for the nations.

58. Who were the two prophets of restoration?

59. Under the Persian ruler Cyrus, what was Israel was allowed to erect and worship?

60. The true glory of Jerusalem was found in devotion to what?

61. The leaders Joshua and Zerubbabel, anointed for the people, were representatives of what?

62. During the time of Zechariah, what was Jahweh’s desire was for Israel?

63. What were the consequences of the fact that the zeal of the people rapidly cooled after the time of Haggai and Zechariah?

64. What are the three fundamental principles of Israel’s religion that Malachi highlighted?

65. What did Jahweh demand regarding worship and sacrifice, according to Malachi?

66. Malachi told the Israelites to offer Jahweh His due, and show the spirit of humility toward one another. Then Jahweh would do what?

67. What does Jahweh seek, more fasting and Sabbath-keeping, or a contrite heart?

68. How did Daniel face the fierce temptations around him?

69. In whose court did serve Daniel serve?

70. How many times did the Word of Jahweh come to Jonah?

71. How did the people of Nineveh respond to the Word of God?

72. How did Jonah respond to the people of Nineveh?

73. How is Jonah described as a prophet?

74. How does Jonah show us God’s desire for all nations?

75. How does God reveal Himself in the book of Jonah?

Last modified: Wednesday, 28 August 2013, 5:29 PM