The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, Archibald Alexander

Introduction and Sections 1-2

Pages 1-35



1. According to Alexander, how long did it take to write the Bible?

2. According to Alexander, if one of the books of our Bible were shown to be not inspired, would the whole rest Bible be shown to be not inspired?

3. According to Alexander, what are the two great questions most deserving the attention of all men regarding the Bible?

4. What reason does Alexander give in his book for people neglecting to study and inquire into the Bible?

Section 1

1.  In theology, and in the New Testament, the word "canon" properly means _________.

2. How did the early church fathers used the term "canon"?

Section 2

1. After Moses finished writing the first five books of the Old Testament, what did they do with them?

2. According to Josephus, what did Moses do with the Law for each of the tribes of Israel?

3. After the Law of Moses had been almost completely lost during the reigns of Manasseh and Amon, who was the king who rediscovered it and had it read?

4. When does Alexander think that the Ark of the Covenant and the copy of the Law contained in it were either lost or destroyed?

5. What is Alexander's view of the Jewish tradition that at the time of Ezra there were no copies of Moses' law, and that Ezra restored it miraculously?

6. Alexander states, "It seems to be agreed by all, that the forming of the present Canon of the Old Testament should be attributed to _______."

7. After the time of Malachi, in what volumes was the Old Testament was probably distributed?

8. What was Origen's argument to show that Jesus confirmed the canon of the Old Testament as the Jews had accepted it?

9. How did Paul confirm the authority of the Old Testament?

10. In what way did Josephus confirm the complete list of books in the Old Testament canon?

11. According to Josephus, what credence was given to the books written between the times of Artaxerxes and the New Testament times, otherwise known as the Apocrypha?

12. How did the Jews arrange the Old Testament books? How many did they have? How did they group the minor prophets?


Last modified: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 11:17 PM