Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology, vol. 2

Chapter 3-5

Use the following review questions to learn the important teachings:


Chapter III

3.1 According to Hodge, what are the substances of which man consists?

3.2 How does Hodge define the "soul" of man?

3.3 How does the author explain the relationship between the body and the soul of man?

3.4 According to Hodge, how does the union of soul and body in the constitution of man help us understand the union of the divine and human natures in the person of Christ?

3.5 Make sure you can express the orthodox doctrine of the person and natures of Christ.

3.6 Since Jesus was divine,was his human intelligence infinite?

3.7 Be familiar with what the following passages teach about Christ.

a. John 1:1-14

b. 1 John 1:1-3

c. Philippians 2:6-11

d. Hebrews 2:14

3.8 What is meant by the "hypostatic union" of the human and divine natures of Christ?

3.9 What is meant by the "communion of attributes" in Christ?

3.10 Describe the erroneous views of the person of Christ of each of the following schools of thought.

a) Ebionites

b) Gnostics

c) Apollinaris

d) Nestorianism

e) Eutychianism

3.11 What was the doctrine of the person of Christ held by the Reformers?

3.12 Luther believed that the body and blood of Christ are really and locally present in the Eucharist. According to Hodge, how did his doctrine of the Lord's Supper lead Luther to express an erroneous view of the person of Christ?

3.13 What were the postulates of the original Socinian view of the person of Christ?

3.14 What was Swedenborg's unique view of the person of Christ?

3.15 What was the peculiar view of the person of Christ expressed by Isaac Watts?

3.16 What was Shleiermacher's view of the person of Christ?

Chapter IV

4.1 What qualifications were necessary for Christ to be the saving mediator between God and man? Select the best answer.

4.2 What are the three offices that Christ held as mediator?

Chapter V

5.1 In the Scriptures,what is a prophet?

5.2 In the Scriptures,was any man receiving a revelation from God, or inspired in the communication of it, called a prophet?

5.3 During what periods did Christ execute the office of prophet?

Last modified: Wednesday, 3 July 2013, 6:12 PM