The Westminster Confession of Faith, chapters 25-33.

Answer the following review questions on each chapter:


Chapter 25


1. What is the "invisible" Church?


2. What is the "visible" Church?


3. What does the Confession mean when it speaks of the "catholic" Church?


Chapter 26


1. What does the Confession mean when it speaks of the "saints"?


2. What does the Confession mean when it speaks of the "communion of the saints"?


Chapter 27


1. What are the characteristics of a sacrament?  


2. What makes a sacrament effective?  


3. What sacraments were ordained by Christ?  


Chapter 28


1. What does baptism represent, according to the Confession?  


2. Who should be baptized, according to the Confession?


Chapter 29


1. What is the main purpose of the Lord's Supper?


2. What is the meaning of transubstantiation?


3. What does the Confession teach about whether Christ is spiritually received by the participants?


4. Who should be allowed to participate in the Lord's Supper?


Chapter 30


1. Why do we need "church censures"?


2. What are the three levels of "censure" mentioned in the Confession?


Chapter 31


1. What does the Confession teach about the need for synods and councils?


2. What does the Confession teach about whether the synods and councils of the Church should meddle in civil affairs?


Chapter 32


1. What happens to believers when they die?


3. What happens to unbelievers when they die?


Chapter 33


1. Will only unbelievers be judged on Judgment Day?


2. Will only believers live for eternity?

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 August 2013, 6:32 PM