Sunday, 19 May 2024, 3:23 PM
Site: Birmingham Theological Seminary
Course: Making Biblical Decisions (Making Biblical Decisions)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-9
Richard Ramsay

Normative Perspective

Ethical perspective that considers the standards as given in God's Word.

Normative Use

Use of the law to show Christians how to live a more ethical life.

Open Theism

Modern school of theology that teaches that God's sovereignty is limited. They believe that humans must have ultimate control over their lives; otherwise, God has no right to hold us responsible.

Pedagogical Use

Use of the law to expose sin and drive an unbeliever to Christ.


In theology, this is another term for clarity, used in reference to the Scriptures.


The realm of existence that is beyond or beside nature. It includes invisible spirits such as angels and demons.


Term used to describe a relationship in which two things affect each other mutually.


Rejection of sin and turning away from it


The use of language contrary to its literal meaning in order to criticize or taunt.

Saving Faith

Assent to the truth of the gospel, and trust in Christ to save us from our sin