Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 2:29 AM
Site: Birmingham Theological Seminary
Course: Making Biblical Decisions (Making Biblical Decisions)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-8


In theology, this is another term for clarity, used in reference to the Scriptures.


Term used by some theologians to refer to things that are morally indifferent.


Medieval theologian who believed that general revelation and existential revelation were sufficient to communicate many moral principles, and that the Scriptures supplemented those teachings.


The use of exaggeration to make a point.

Moral Law

Aspect of the law that gives general ethical principles, often identified with the Ten Commandments.

Civil Law

Aspect of the law that gives principles for governing society.

Pedagogical Use

Use of the law to expose sin and drive an unbeliever to Christ.

Civil Use

Use of the law to restrain sin in society.

Normative Use

Use of the law to show Christians how to live a more ethical life.


To repeal or do away with a law or agreement.