Sunday, 19 May 2024, 11:05 AM
Site: Birmingham Theological Seminary
Course: We Believe in Jesus (We Believe in Jesus)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-2


Old Testament king of Israel who received the promise that his descendant would sit on the throne and reign forever.

Hypostatic union

Refers to the fact that Jesus is one person with two distinct natures (a divine nature and a human nature) with each nature retaining its own attributes.


City where a council was held that resulted in a creed that expresses that Jesus was "truly God and truly man," and that His two natures were distinct.


Turning from sin toward Jesus


When speaking of Jesus, it refers to His suffering and death.


Animal used by ancient kings during a time of peace


When speaking of Jesus, it means the act in which God assigned the guilt of sinners to the person of Christ.


Technical word in theology for Jesus'ongoing rule and governing from the place of majesty and power in heaven