Saturday, 18 May 2024, 1:57 PM
Site: Birmingham Theological Seminary
Course: The Apostles' Creed (The Apostles' Creed)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-4


Name given to those who hold the view that the supernatural gifts that were manifest in the time of the New Testament, such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and miraculous healing, have ceased. They consider that these gifts were given only for the special spread of the gospel and the establishment of the Church at the time of the apostles.


Name given to those who hold the view that the supernatural gifts that were manifest in the time of the New Testament, such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and miraculous healing, continue even today.


The act of making people and things holy

Common Grace

The forbearance that God shows and the benefits he gives to all humanity, regardless of their faith

Covenant Grace

The forbearance and benefits that God gives to everyone that is part of his covenant people, even if they are not true believers

Saving Grace

The application of the eternal benefits of Christ’s perfect life, death, resurrection, ascension and glorious return to those who receive him as Lord and savior

General Revelation

God’s use of the natural world and its workings to make his existence, nature, presence, actions and will known to all humanity

Special Revelation

God’s direct involvement, or his use of messengers, to make his existence, nature, presence, actions and will known to limited portions of humanity


A divine gift of knowledge or understanding that is primarily cognitive. It refers to the work of the Holy Spirit as he helps people understand God's revelation.

Inward Leading

A divine gift of knowledge or understanding that is primarily emotive or intuitive. It refers to one way the Holy Spirit guides people.