The Two Covenants, Andrew Murray
Chapters 1-4

Answer the following review questions on each chapter:

1. What key purpose of the Covenant does Murray emphasize in chapter one?

2. According to the author, what is the chief blessing of salvation?

3. Murray calls the Old Covenant a "lower or elementary one of _________ and _________."

4. Murray calls the New Covenant a "higher or more advanced one of _______ and _______."

5. Murray says that "If the image and likeness of God was not to be a mere name, and man was really to be like God in the power to make himself what he was to be, he must needs have the power of _____________...."

6. According to the author, how does the Most Holy Place of temple symbolize the New Covenant?

7. What is symbolized by the fact that the veil of the temple was torn when Christ died?

8. According to the author, the Old Covenant was necessary to deepen man's sense of what things?

9. Paul writes that the law was our "_________ " to bring us to Christ.

10. Did the Old Covenant fulfill its purpose?

11. Why is the Old Covenant called a ministration of condemnation and death?

12. In first blessing of the New Covenant as expressed in Jeremiah 31:33-34, what does God promise that He will do with His law?

13. In second blessing of the New Covenant as expressed in Jeremiah 31:33-34, what relationship does God promise for His people?

14. In third blessing of the New Covenant as expressed in Jeremiah 31:33-34, God promises that His people will ________ Him.

15. In fourth blessing of the New Covenant as expressed in Jeremiah 31:33-34, God promises that He will ____________.

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 August 2013, 7:29 PM